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Cocktail Party Outfit Panic Mode...

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Cocktail Party Outfit Panic Mode...

Why oh why do I dislike shopping for myself so much?! I have a cocktail party to attend this evening with my husband at a friend's home. Do you think I have anything to wear?! Ummm...the answer would big a huge NO!!!

I went shopping with two of my friends on Wednesday and I bought a metallic grey sequined skirt and a black top that had the side of the shoulders cut out. I wasn't in love with it but my friends said I looked good in it and it was a fun outfit. It was definitely out of my comfort zone but for those of you who know comfort zone is pretty boring. I tend to wear sweats, yoga pants, jeans, cargos and pjs.

My standard comfy clothes

I wanted to look nice for this party. Not so that I could show off to all of the invited guests but because I wanted to look nice for my husband. To me, nothing means more than a compliment coming from him. I love when I can feel him watching me from across the room. There have been times where I wait with anticipation for him to come over and whisper something into my ear. All of those times I have waited, he has. I feel more confident when he thinks I look nice. I feel more relaxed too.

So, here is where the panic sets in. As I said, I wasn't in love with the outfit I brought home. Chris asked me to try it on for him. Right away he asked me why I had my arms crossed. Then he told me that I didn't look comfortable in it. He did back up that statement with a "That would look great for dancing but I don't think it is what you are going for at this party."

He was right. This is just too flashy for me and when I don't feel shows. It shows up more than black spilled ink on a white coat!

So, what will I be doing this afternoon in a mad panic after I have taken care of all of my other obligations?! (and there are is the holiday season after all) I will be racing through the mall trying to find something that screams my name!! (Oh and doesn't cost a million dollars. I'm a SAHM on a budget, remember?)

Wish me luck!! I'm gonna need it!!

Have you ever waited until the last minute to find an outfit to wear to something special? Do you have a "go-to" store where you know you can find something? Have you ever ruined your night out just because you went with an outfit you weren't so sure about?

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At December 16, 2011 at 11:12 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Kristen I can realate my friend. I too live in comfy clothes..sweats, yoga pants those things are my friends :) lol
I wish you lot's of luck today finding somethng you look and feel great in. Do you have a forever 21 store near by? I found a really cute top and jacket there the last time I had to attend a work party with my hubby. xo

At December 16, 2011 at 11:30 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! I can relate too! If I'm not feeling great in my outfit my night is ruined! I go to Vanity, Charolette Russe, sometimes Wet Seal. I wouldn't worry too much about the "age" of the store, mix pieces you feel comfortable in! We took my mom shopping Wed for my dad's company party tonight & we started with shoes, so it narrowed down what the outfit would match! You could always try that! Good luck friend! Can't wait to see your outfit (you WILL be posting a pic!) I'm sure you'll look great!

At December 16, 2011 at 11:48 AM , Blogger Robbie K said...

I use to be quite the shopper and fashionista...and then i had kids and pregnancy weight and things shifted around a bit. Now my clothes are all about function and comfort and frankly since I became a SAHM my style leans toward track pants and t-shirts. I ALWAYS wait until the last minute and I HATE HATE HATE tryign on clothes @ the store. I will buy 6 pair of black pants try them on at home and return 5 of them. Kohl's i smy go to store and I never pay full price for anything there either!

At December 16, 2011 at 12:43 PM , Blogger Heather said...

If I am in a hurry I will always hit Kohl's first. Usually I can find something there. I also love Loft and Ann Taylor, but they tend to be a bit pricier and a little more hit and miss.

My night is totally ruined if I don't feel confident in my outfit. I went to The Rockettes last night and I totally had something I could wear, but I was with my girls and we were having fun picking out party clothes that I decided to look too. I found a beautiful gray bulky sweater, but not too bulky that I paired with a pair of black leggings, black boots, and a festive scarf and pretty jewelery. I felt good in it, my husband loved it and I felt comfortable! Win Win Win!
Have a great time tonight!

At December 16, 2011 at 2:40 PM , Blogger Brittany said...

I hope you find something you love without stressing yourself out! Just make sure you are comfortable in it and you will have a wonderful night! :)

At December 16, 2011 at 3:18 PM , Blogger Mommy Inconsistent said...

Since I'm in Canada I can't help you with stores, and since I'm a terrible shopper too, I can't help you with ideas...oh, guess I'm no help at all! But I can wish you good luck!! I've always had the best time at parties when I finally stopped worrying about it..afterall, confidence is the sexiest thing of all!

At December 16, 2011 at 4:09 PM , Blogger Maren said...

Oh comfy clothes are the best! I don't have any suggestions, I don't know about your stores.. but I'm hoping you can find something you feel comfortable in - you're beautiful regardless. :)

At December 17, 2011 at 1:36 AM , Blogger Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Oh I love to wear comfy clothes too! I hope you found something fabulous and your husband is admiring you from afar as I write this. :)

At December 17, 2011 at 1:57 AM , Blogger Becca said...

I am a jeans and t-shirt girl so I always wait until the last minute to buy outfits. I normally drag a friend with me who can literally force me to buy something that looks okay. Thankfully now I own a few dresses that I like (literally 3) and I tend to wear those a lot!

At December 17, 2011 at 6:04 PM , Blogger Teri said...

Yikes! I feel your pain! No one would EVER mistake me for a fashionista, so when I have a special event I head straight to Nordy's (Nordstrom). Those ladies know EXACTLY what they are doing! Just tell them what type of event, and they do the rest. You don't even have to leave the dressing room - they will go get shoes and accessories to go with your outfit, too. Maybe a bit pricey, but they do have some things that are reasonably priced and still look and fit great. Did you know that if your feet are two different sizes they will sell you a left and right shoe in different sizes (for the same price as one pair)? I'm in and out of there in less than an hour or two with the perfect outfit for each event.

At December 18, 2011 at 11:21 AM , Anonymous Jennifer said...

Hi Kristen, Did you find something? My dress freak out solution: I invested in a black dress from Anne Taylor. It's very simple so it can be dressed up with jewelry or a fancy cardigan or heels. It's my no brainer dress because U hate shopping and totally panic, too. I bet you looked like a million bucks in whatever you ended up buying!

At December 19, 2011 at 7:58 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I have things in the back on closet I can wear. I do forget to buy pantyhose and make sure my shoes aren't scuffed.


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