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Flashback to High School...

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Flashback to High School...

On Thursdays I always try to participate in Kat's Writer's Workshop. It not only gives me writing prompts when I am having writer's block (like last week), it also sometimes gives me ideas that hadn't come to mind to write about. This week I chose the writing prompt about what I was like in high school.Back in September I celebrated my 20 year reunion from high school. I wrote about it back when my blog was only a few weeks old. I got one comment and it was from the friend that MADE me go to the reunion.

Broadneck Pride

For this writing prompt, I decided I wanted to do things a little differently and instead of writing about what I thought I was like, I would go on Facebook and ask people from high school what they thought I was like.

I opened myself up for any kind of response. My only rule...that people should remember I have two daughters and keep it G-rated (hey, you never know).

Anyway, the results came back better than expected. Sometimes, we are all just too hard on ourselves and our memories.

Here are the results. They are in random order. I have not embellished them.
  • I was the person who stood up for my friends (sometimes without thinking first).
  • I had a big heart (that sometimes got stomped on).
  •  Almost every response I got said that I smiled a lot, laughed a lot and made people laugh a lot too. I also got a few that said I was quick witted and could throw some serious sarcasm (maybe all of those things combined is why I was voted class clown my senior year).
  • I was a field hockey junkie and VERY team spirited (that sure stuck like crazy glue 20 years later).
  • I was one of those girls that went to a lot of parties and was a lot of fun to hang out with(my apologies to all of the parents' lawns that we all trampled back in the day).
The one characteristic that stood out the most and definitely means the most to me now is that I was "genuine". More people wrote that about me than anything else. Some said that I always said what I felt (sometimes without a filter...but that I was always honest). Others said I told it like I saw it or that I didn't sugar coat things. Several people even wrote that they admired that I was that way in high school. One friend was a total skate rat turned Dead Head and said that I proved you couldn't judge a book by its cover (meaning I was the preppy girl and I picked my friends by who they were, not what they wore).

I guess all in all, I haven't changed much. I've only matured. I am still that person that sticks up for my friends (I just think first and don't have a knee jerk reaction like I used to. Okay, sometimes I still have a knee jerk reaction. They are my friends and if you cross them...well, just watch out!) I still have a big heart (that still gets stomped on sometimes). I still smile and laugh a lot. I'm pretty sure I still make other people laugh (probably more at me than with me). I can still throw out some wicked sarcasm. I am still a huge field hockey junkie who wishes it was a year round sport and love the team(s) I coach very much. I am still one of those girls who loves a good party with friends.

Now that you can look back on things, what would you think was your strongest characteristic when you were in high school?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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At February 2, 2012 at 8:58 AM , Blogger Gia said...

Awww, what complimentary things!

At February 2, 2012 at 9:31 AM , Anonymous still a skaterat/deadhead said...

good stuff sweetpea

At February 2, 2012 at 9:36 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I think we are our worst critic Kristen :) I am not suprised that people wrote those things about you. Your still that girl now, just the grown up version. If I had to look back and guess what my strongest characteristic is, I'd have to say that I was happy. I can remember kids asking me all the time "Why are you so Happy?".
Great post my friend xo

At February 2, 2012 at 10:03 AM , Blogger Jaclyn said...

That's awesome! I would be afraid to see what my HS buddies would say about me. I kid, I kid. lol

Genuine is a GREAT thing to be. Sometimes it's also difficult to find. :)

At February 2, 2012 at 10:03 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

You haven't changed much since high school have you? :) I don't think most people remember me from high school, well at least here. California, maybe.

At February 2, 2012 at 10:32 AM , Blogger Missy | Literal Mom said...

Isn't that so nice? What an ego booster. I'm AFRAID to ask FB what I was like in high school. Let's just say my attitude has improved immensely. :)

At February 2, 2012 at 1:07 PM , Blogger Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

WOW! I would never, ever in a million years ask people what I was like in high school out of fear it would create a deep depression!

At February 2, 2012 at 1:41 PM , Blogger Leigh Powell Hines said...

What great feedback. Bet you were a great friend to have.

At February 2, 2012 at 2:24 PM , Blogger Jennifer said...

What a great list of things they said about you! And we have even more in common- I celebrated 20 year reunion this past summer (but was unable to attend because my husband had to go on a last-minute trip). Also, is your team logo just random? Because that looks a lot like something we had too... our colors were maroon and white and we were the Tigers. (We didn't have field hockey at our school, though)

At February 2, 2012 at 2:52 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

How wonderful to have them remember who you really were!

At February 2, 2012 at 3:04 PM , Blogger Arnebya said...

I'd like to think I was a good friend. I still have many friends from high school that I talk to regularly. I love that you took a poll and the word genuine abounded. How cool is that?

At February 2, 2012 at 3:23 PM , Blogger CB said...

Those are all great qualities - You would have been a friend I would have loved to have in High School.

I think a quality I have always had was/is to be a true friend. Once I make a friend I keep trusts, am loyal, am a good listener - I like that in the friends I choose too. Good friends make life fuller :-D

At February 2, 2012 at 3:42 PM , Blogger Recovering Supermom said...

I love your idea of finding out what other people's impressions were of you. Your courage impresses me. :) How great that you got such nice feedback...not that I can say I'm surprised! You're pretty awesome!

At February 2, 2012 at 6:08 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

This is such a great idea! I don't think I would have been brave enough to do that!

At February 2, 2012 at 9:57 PM , Anonymous Galit Breen said...

Oh, how I love that you did this!

It sounds like you were a keeper then, too! :)

At February 2, 2012 at 10:08 PM , Blogger Jessica said...

How neat to have gotten those responses from your old classmates. Only with Facebook...

At February 2, 2012 at 10:49 PM , Blogger Robbie K said...

I LOVE this! Such a fantastic idea to ask people who knew you then.

At February 3, 2012 at 7:33 AM , Blogger Jennifer said...

We must be a lot alike. I get a lot of "genuine" when I've asked these types of questions. I really think that's the best way to be.

At February 3, 2012 at 2:15 PM , Blogger marie said...

Oh I envy you. Being a genuine person is the best trait ever, it's what I loved most when I first met Glenn. He was so comfortable in his skin. It's taken me a long time to feel the same way.

I missed my 20 year last summer because of finances. I kind of regret not going now.

At February 3, 2012 at 2:18 PM , Blogger Liz Mays said...

That is a huge compliment that they remember all those positive traits. I especially love that you were genuine. What a wonderful characteristic!

At February 4, 2012 at 2:42 AM , Blogger Mommy Inconsistent said...

What a great spin on this writing prompt. It's always interesting to hear what people have to say about you...because we often have no idea what people really thing of us and we always think it's probably worse than it is. Great post!

At February 4, 2012 at 9:28 PM , Anonymous OneMommy said...

I'm not sure many would remember me after 20 years - my biggest trait I can think of was how shy I was. I'm talking, don't raise your hand to answer, pray the teacher doesn't call on you - not b/c you don't know the answer, but b/c you don't want to speak in front of anyone quiet...
It sounds like you were a wonderful friend to have back in high school - sticking up for people is never easy, especially as a teen. Very cool. :)

Tagged you in my post today

At February 5, 2012 at 8:40 PM , Blogger Jen Has A Pen said...

That's so sweet... and flattering. You should feel good about yourself. :-) I'd be too scared to open that question up on FB! :-)

At February 7, 2012 at 7:11 AM , Blogger Heather said...

What a great idea! And good to know that you have held on to what makes you you!

At February 7, 2012 at 9:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are so many that run through my mind, but I like how you asked people you went to school with for their responses. I might do the same since we get to see J3 this weekend. Yeah!


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